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Terminologies used for traditional medicine to be on WHO list soon
source:The Times of India 2024-01-05 [Medicine]
The WHO has decided to include traditional medicine terminologiesinto its International Classification of Diseases (ICD) list.

 It is likely to release theclassifications in Delhi next week. The traditional medicines terminologies havebeen classified as per the ICD criteria by more than 25 WHO member countries.with technical and financial aid provided by the ministry of Ayush, government ofIndia, sources said.

"The groundwork for this initiative was created during the 2017, Ayurveda DayCelebrations when "National Ayush Morbidity and Standardised TerminologiesElectronic (NAMASTE) Portal" was launched by thePrime Minister along with the inauguration of All India Institute of Ayurveda Delhi.This work has been done in a record time and is expected to be released inJanuary 2024," said a source.
Senior officials in the AYUSH ministry said the ICD classification of traditionasystems of medicine namely, Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, andHomeopathy among others, will have significant and long-term consequences inthe area of healthcare. "Scientists, Doctors from around the world will be able tounderstand Ayush better and integrated high-end research and documentation willbe easier. This will open up huge possibilities of large-scale scientific evidencegeneration in Ayush sector and contribute towards increasing credibility of itsusage across the globe" said an official.
He added the ICD classification will also help in medical insurance coverage,creation of insurance packages, insurance portability among insurance companiesfrom across the world and will give a boost to medical value travel for Ayush carein India.